National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 666
Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General
(Record Group 94)

(MAIN SERIES) 1871 -1880
Roll 67, 1872

Papers relating to crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama, 1869 – 1879

Terapin Creek
Cleburne Co., Ala.
Sept. 20th, 1869
W. R. Hunnicutt
Judge of Probate
J. A. Wheeler and eleven others

Request that the U. S. Troops stationed at Edwardsville, Ala. be ordered to Cross Plains in Calhoun Co., Ala. &c.

Terapin Creek, Cleburne Co., Ala.
September 20th, 1869

Commanding Officer
U. S. Troops
Edwardsville, Ala.

We the undersigned would respectfully ask that the troops be brought into this neighborhood. The Ku Klux Klan are continually threatening Union men in this community, and will carry threats into execution against those Union men who shot into them and these Union men cannot live in the county unless protected by U. S. Troops. The Troops are 20 miles from here, and all the Ku Klux who committed these outrages in this neighborhood live in Calhoun County, or near the line, and if the troops were near here, those Ku Klux who have warrants out against them can be arrested in the night without them knowing tat the soldiers or arresting officers were near them. Cross Plains in Calhoun County is on the R. R. and is the nearest point to where the outrages have been most frequently committed.

C. M. Wheeler
G. Wheeler
J. A. Wheeler
R. H. Wheeler
M. L. Hatfield
Hansford Hatfield
E. W. Bowring
J. B. Camp
W. J. Elkins
John Wheeler
A. H. Wilkins

I would suggest that the within petition is entitled to consideration and that the proposed change of the U. S. Troops from Edwardsville to Cross Plains is necessary under existing circumstances.

W. R. Hunnicutt, Sept. 20th, 1869
Judge of Probate
Cleburne Co., Ala.