National Archive Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 434
Habeas Corpus Case Records of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Columbia 1820 – 1863
Roll 1 – 1820 – 1843
Habeas Corpus for Caroline Brooks
To the Honble. The Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington
The petition of Caroline Brooks humbly sheweth that she is a free person & has been committed to jail as a runaway. She prays to be allowed the U. States writ of Habeas Corpus & that she may be discharged.
H. Key for Pet.
United States of America
To the Jailor of the County of Washington
You are hereby commanded to bring into the Circuit Court now setting for the County of Washington the body of Caroline Brooks or by whatsoever name she is known, who is now confined in the jail under your charge as it is said, with the cause of her caption and detention to abide by and receive such order as the court may make in the premises.
Hereof fail not, as you will answer the contrary at your peril.
Witness the Hon. Wm. Cranch, Chief Judge of our said.
Issued this 5th April 1834
By order of the Court
In obedience to the within writ I have the body of the within named Caroline Brooks otherwise called Caroline Dentt as I am within commanded and hereby certify that she is detained by virtue of a commitment issued by Saml. Stethnus and for no other cause. A copy of the original is herewith filed.
For Alex Hunter
Marshal Dist. Col.
James Williams
District of Columbia
Washington County to wit:
Whereas Madison Jeffreys & William Wallis, Constables of said County, has apprehended and brought before me the subscriber, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Washington, Negro Caroline Dent charged with being a runaway and whereas no proof has been ?advanced before me that the said Caroline Dent is not a runaway.
You are therefore hereby commanded to receive into your Jail & custody the said Caroline Dent and her safe keep until she be thence delivered by due course of law.
Hereof fail not at your peril.
Given under my hand and seal this third day of April in the year eighteen hundred and thirty four.
Samuel Stethnus
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia